Currently there are over 100 regional dentists who refer patients to Arnica for treatment requiring sedation or for more complex surgical procedures.
We think this is a tremendous achievement and one that reflects our commitment to putting the needs of our referral patients and our referral dentists before ours.
We were the first referral practice to publish a referral charter or guarantee which illustrates our commitment to providing you with the best possible referral service:

- Our priority is to ensure that your patient receives the best treatment and care available in terms of quality and value for money.
- On receipt of your referral form we will contact your patient immediately and see them for a referral examination as soon as possible.
- If we recommend alternative or additional treatment to the treatment you referred them for we will contact you before proceeding.
- We will provide your patient with a treatment plan and an estimate of how much the treatment will cost.
- We will discuss the treatment plan in detail with your patient so that they fully understand what their options are and can make a well-informed decision.
- If requested we would be happy to discuss the treatment plan in detail with you prior to your patient having to make a decision.
- We will keep you fully informed throughout your patient’s treatment so that you can discuss it with them at any time.
- In the rare event of post-treatment complications we guarantee that your patient will receive remedial care as a priority.
- We will not actively solicit the business of any referral patient beyond the scope of the referral work itself. In the rare case that a referral patient requests ongoing dental services from Arnica, we will advise them to discuss the matter with you first and we will contact you to inform you of their request.
- We will do all we can to help strengthen the professional relationship you have with your patient including highlighting the fact that we work in partnership with you and that you remain fully informed and in control at all times.
Dr Eleanor Ledger BDS (Wales) FDS RCS (England)
If you would like to discuss our referral guarantee in more detail
Call 01242 655554 and speak to our receptionists Karen, Hester, Margie or Rachel who’ll send you our referral pack or arrange for Dr Ellie Ledger to call you back.